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Show `n Tell Version .02
(c) 1992 SofTract (tm)
"Yshua HaMashiach Hoo Adonai"
SHOW `N TELL(TM) is a general purpose Windows application with
an endless number of specific applications. Hopefully you have
had an opportunity to review the demonstration images that came
with the product. If you have not, please do that now.
SHOW `N TELL(TM) can be used as a communication
tool, a training device, a presentation package, as well as a
fun and easy to use way to share both written and visual
information with others.
This documentation should provide you with all the detailed
operating knowledge necessary to start using SHOW `N TELL(TM)
right away, right now!
*What is it?*
SHOW `N TELL(TM) is a Windows compatible program that will
display images and text files associated with those images. The
text files can be scrolled forward and backward, and the window
displaying the text can be moved and made different sizes.
Similarly, the window showing the image can be resized as well.
The image window allows scrolling in all directions to
accommodate images larger than the window itself, in addition to
this feature, the image window will allow resizing, too.
SHOW `N TELL(TM) will display as many images as you like by
simply entering the names of the images into a file along with
the title for each image. SHOW `N TELL(TM) Will automatically
add the images to the image Selection List as well as selecting
the appropriate text file to be used with that image.
*What Is It Used For?*
Hopefully the sample images and texts supplied with SHOW `N
TELL(TM) has started you on the right track, but if not, here
are a few of the many ideas we came up with.
Some uses for SHOW `N TELL(TM) might include:
-floppy disk mailed to a friend containing a video photo album
complete with images and texts about each picture, maybe an
update on the family, the pets, the garden, what ever!
-a "how to manual" with pictures and instructions. Anything
from making a pie to repairing a bicycle tire, the list is
endless. Especially, subjects that require both graphical
as well textual information are well suited to SHOW `N TELL
-a modem-transmitted show-and-tell of just about anything! A
picture of your dorm room sent home to the folks, an instant
transmission of the latest drawing by junior sent by modem to
his admiring aunt, the latest "a picture is with a thousand
words" brainstorm to business associate that needs to be
sent electronically "yesterday".
-a floppy or electronically distributed catalog of everything
from mail order flower arrangements to garden vegetable seeds.
The possibilities are endless.
The list goes on and on, try your own set of ideas after going
through the sample ideas we provided for you!
*The Controls*
There are few controls (by design) in SHOW `N TELL(TM). They
are described below.
The Menu contains the following visible control Items:
*Selection* Clicking here, or selecting Selection with ALT+S,
will display a pull down list of all the images you have entered
into the image control file named SNT.CTL.
Pick the Image you wish to view by clicking on it once, or using
the up and down arrow keys, then select it by pressing Enter.
Clicking here, or selecting About with ALT+A will display
a window of information about SHOW `N TELL(TM) including the
version number and some other information about the product.
Clicking here, or selecting Help with ALT+H will
display the Help Text you are presently reading. (The HELP
feature is disabled in this version)
*Non-visible Controls in SHOW `N TELL(TM):*
There are several features of SHOW `N TELL(TM) that do not
require buttons or menu selection in order to make use of them.
*Picture Scrolling*
This is accomplished by simply placing the
mouse pointer anywhere on th image in the image window, and
dragging the pointer outside the window while holding down the
left mouse button. The farther outside the window from you go,
the faster the image will scroll in that direction.
For example, to scroll an image very slowly, hold down the left
mouse button while the arrow is on the image and continue
holding the left button down while dragging the arrow just
outside the window frame, the image will scroll very slowly,
about one pixel at a time.
This is valuable in order to display very large images in
windows smaller than the image.
Of course, you may also use the Scroll Bars that are provided.
*Auto-Next and Auto-Previous Image Display*
A very convenient feature of SHOW `N TELL(tm) is Auto-Next
and Auto-Previous image display.
When you double-click the left mouse button with the mouse pointer
on the image area, the next image and its text will automatically be
shown, and the selection list will be advanced automatically as well!
Likewise, double-clicking the right mouse button will show the previous
image, its associated text, and move the selection list pointer
as well.
These features, Auto-Next and Auto-Previous make showing a series
of sequential images and their text very easy and smooth.
Electronic books and manuals that rely on text and illustrations
are easily assembled, distributed, and read.
*Text Scrolling*
The same technique described for image
scrolling will also work to scroll the text area. Placing the
mouse pointer anywhere on the text in the text window, and
dragging the pointer outside the window while holding down the
left mouse button will scroll the text in that direction.
Again, the further outside the window frame you go, the faster
the text will scroll.
Also, there are scroll bars in the text window, you can dray the
text by "pulling" the scroll bar's drag button, and page up or
down with the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.
Of course, you may also use the Scroll Bars that are provided.
*How to Add Images to the Selection List*
Images are added and deleted from a ASCII (plain text) file
named SNT.CTL. This file must reside in the same directory
that SHOW `N TELL(TM) resides in. Simply use your favorite
ASCII text editor (or Windows NOTEPAD.EXE) to maintain the
SNT.CTL file. The format of each line is as follows:
path\imagename.bmp|image title
for example,
c:\pix1.bmp |Me and My new Dog c:\vacat01.bmp |Picture at Beach
d:\paint\draw01.bmp |Diagram Number One
(An example of this file may be seen by looking at the SNT.CTL
file shipped with SHOW `N TELL(TM). That file is the file that
is used to show the sample images that comes with SHOW `N
*Text Files*
In order to show a text file with SHOW `N
TELL(TM) simply make sure that the text file for an image file
is in the same directory as the image file (that is, the .BMP file).
Also, the text file MUST have an extension of .TXT. SHOW `N
TELL(TM) Will automatically look for a text file each time an
image is displayed and will expect to find the text file with
the same name as the image file but with an extension of TXT.
If you have no text for an image, don't worry, SHOW `N TELL(TM)
will automatically close the text display window if there is no
text for the currently displayed image.
Write us!
This is the second prototype version of Show `n tell (tm). We
are already aggressively working on the next version, and your
input is very valuable. We have many exciting plans for Show `n
tell(tm) and your ideas might just be those special ideas to
make Show `n tell(tm) especially valuable. Won't you please
write us and let us know how you are using show and tell?
You can contact us at:
SofTract P.O. Box 65513 Vancouver, WA 98665 USA
Our CompuServe EMAIL address is 71410,2624
License, Disclaimer, & Warranty
Installation of SHOW ` N TELL on your computer system indicates
your agreement with the terms and conditions below.
Distribution of Show `n tell, its accompany programs and
documentation is considered "as is". SoftTract offers no
warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. This includes,
but is in no way limited to, warranties of Show `n tell's
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Under no
circumstances will SoftTract be liable for any damages which
result from the use of this program or the inability to use it.
Exclusion from liability includes, but is not limited to, lost
profits, or any other incidental or consequential damages.
Show `n tell is distributed as Shareware. It is not free,
freeware, or in the public domain. You may use Show `n tell for
a trial period of thirty days, at no cost to you, to determine
if it fits your needs. If you continue to use Show `n tell
beyond the 30 days you are expected to register it and pay the
applicable registration fee for the version you are using. This
version ( .01b ) requires the following registration fees be paid
in U.S. funds for use beyond the 30 day trial period:
Private non-commercial individual Use: $15
Commercial or Corporate Use: write or EMAIL for pricing
Individual copies of the unregistered version of Show `n tell
may be given to your friends and associates for the same thirty
day free trial period. You may also upload Show `n tell to the
public section of a public BBS.
You may not modify or disassemble Show `n tell , nor distribute
any modified or disassembled versions of Show `n tell. Show `n
tell may not be included with any other product without written
permission from SoftTract.
Registered copies of Show `n tell can be used on more than one
computer at a time as long as no more than one of these
computers is running Show `n tell at the same time. You may make
backup copies of Show `n tell as necessary for archival purposes
Show `n tell may not be included with any other product without
prior written approval from SofTract.
Shareware distributors wishing to distribute Show 'n tell must
notify SofTract of their intentions to do so in writing. No fee
may be charged for the sale or distribution of this product
beyond a nominal duplication and distribution fee.
SofTract claims all copyrights and reserves same worldwide.
Send Registration Fees to:
P.O. Box 65513
Vancouver, WA 98665 USA
Email to:
CIS 71410,2624
"Y'shua HaMashiach Hoo Adonai"
Revision Notes:
Version .01 released 03/29/92:
first beta release
Version .01b releasesd 04/01/92:
= patch to .01 to stop memory leak in
bitwindow class
= decreased static and dynamic memory to
improve available memory to all apps &
allow use in smaller hardwae configurations
Verson .02 released 06/9/92:
= patch to fix scroll bars to show
correct relative position for text file
= NEW feature added, Auto-Next & Auto Previous
image paging
= NEW feature added, selection list stays viewable
= NEW feature added, retain selection list
entry between images so user does not have
to go down through list to last entry.
= NEW feature added, sizable selection list